14-4-2017 en 15-4-2017 / Terra Batida – Fallacious Reality


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Genre: Indie / Contemporary folk music / Instrumental

Data & locaties:

  • Zaterdag 15 april 2017 | 20.15 uur (deuren open vanaf 19.45 uur)
    Café Belcampo | Amsterdam


  • € 17 (aan de deur)
  • € 10 (voor studenten, CJP- en stadspashouders)


  • André Silvestre / piano and voice
  • Pedro Lima / percussion
  • João Robim / guitar and voice

Musical guest:

  • Francisca Portugal / violin
Aanvullende info:

André Silvestre, geboren in Coimbra, is een jonge Portugese pianist en componist. Op zijn 17de is hij gaan studeren aan het Royal College of Music in Denemarken.
Zijn interesse voor film werd steeds groter en hij begon voor film te componeren. Hij heeft prijzen gewonnen met de film ‘Arpeggio’, en heeft samengewerkt met regisseurs zoals Jorge Pelicano en Paulo Lima.
Met Bobby McFerrin is hij gaan inzien dat klassieke muziek een hulpmiddel kan zijn dat op andere muzikale terreinen gebruikt kan worden. Zo groeide zijn belangstelling voor “lichte” muziek.
In 2015 besloot André het project Terra Batida op te richten met João Robim en Pedro Lima.

João Robim ‘ontmoette’ de gitaar toen hij 10 jaar oud was en sindsdien doet niets anders dan eigenlijk hem te strelen en bespelen voor een ieder die zijn pad kruist. Geboren in Braga, is João Robim ook winnaar van vele prijzen in Portugal en studeert momenteel aan de universiteit van Évora, met de zeer gewaardeerde Professor Dejan Ivanovic.

Pedro Lima, geboren in Famalicão, studeerde muziek en haalde de 5e graadexamens in piano. Zijn belangstelling voor percussie leidde hem naar de studie van de “drum” in de Jazz School van Porto. Hij neemt deel aan verschillende muzikale projecten en doet de Bachelor in muziekopleiding aan de HBO muziekschool in Porto.

André Silvestre, born in Coimbra, is a young Portuguese pianist and composer. At the age of 17 he entered the Royal College of Music in Denmark and was recognized as an excellent musician by the Danish piano master Anne Øland.
André developed an interest in the area of Film composition and he won prizes with the film “Arpeggio”, having collaborated with directors such as Jorge Pelicano and Paulo Lima.
With Bobby McFerrin he understood that the classical music can be an instrument applied in all different areas and thus his interest in ‘light ‘music was raised.
In 2015 he decided to create the project Tera Batida with João Robim and Pedro Lima.

João Robim ‘met’ the guitar when he was 10 years old and since then he does little more that to cherish it and to show it to everyone that crosses his path.
Born in Braga, João Robim, also a winner of numerous prizes in Portugal, is currently studying at the university of Évora, with the consecrated Professor Dejan Ivanovic.

Pedro Lima, born in Famalicão, studied music and completed the 5th degree in piano. His interest in percussion led him to study “battery” in the Jazz School of Porto.
Pedro participates in various musical projects and attends the Bachelor of music education at the High School of Education in Porto.

André Silvestre, natural de Coimbra, é um jovem pianista e compositor português vencedor de prémios, e com participações em países como Portugal, Espanha, Itália, Suécia e Dinamarca.
Aos 17 anos entrou na Royal College of Music na Dinamarca e foi reconhecido como um músico de excelência por Anne Øland, mestre de piano dinamarquesa.
Começou a ganhar gosto pela área da composição para cinema e ganhou prémios com o filme “Arpeggio”, tendo colaborado com realizadores como Jorge Pelicano e Paulo Lima.
Fruto de um encontro com Bobby McFerrin num workshop, cresceu o seu interessou pela área da música “ligeira”, vendo a música clássica como uma ferramenta a utilizar noutros campos.
Em 2015 decidiu criar o projecto Terra Batida com João Robim e Pedro Lima.

João Robim conheceu a guitarra aos 10 anos e desde aí que pouco mais faz que acarinhá-la e mostrá-la a todos com que se cruza.
Natural de Braga, também ele vencedor de inúmeros prémios em Portugal, estuda actualmente na Universidade de Évora, com o consagrado Professor Dejan Ivanovic.

Pedro Lima, natural de Famalicão, estudou música e completou o 5º grau em piano. O seu interesse pela percursão, levou-o a estudar “bateria” na Escola de Jazz do Porto.
Pedro Lima participa em vários projectos musicais e frequenta a Licenciatura de Educação Musical na Escola Superior de Educação no Porto.


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