Portugal is meer dan Fado

Poster Q.Festival 2019 (2de editie)

Designer: André Cruz

Vorig jaar heb ik de eerste editie van het Q.Festival in de media aangekondigd onder het motto: “Portugal is veel meer dan Fado”. Een zin die een treurige werkelijkheid al laat doorschemeren. Immers de enige volle zaal in het hele festival was van het concert van… ja, je raadt het al: Fado.
Niet dat de Fado het niet heeft verdiend want dat heeft hij zeker(!) maar hoe triest was het om de overige muzikanten en componisten, van zo’n kaliber, te zien optreden voor zo weinig publiek.
De 2de editie van dit Festival zou het tij kunnen keren… Laten we daaraan werken!

Het derde concert van dit Festival dat plaatsvindt op 11 mei, zaterdag a.s., Dance & Songs of our Roots, wordt door jonge muzikanten uitgevoerd, het Duo Invictus. Zeer talentvolle jonge muzikanten met uitstekende curricula vitae en vele prijzen! Ze spelen ook in verschillende orkesten.

Francisca Portugal heeft in 2014 de Masterclass gedaan: New Virtuosi 5th Anniversary Gala Concert, in Amaryllis Fleming Concert Hall Royal College of Music, London. Hier krijg je een voorproefje van haar geluid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CWhj79LFjms. Helaas zijn er geen opnames van haar solo in het Mozarteum, in Salzburg, maar je kunt haar kunst beluisteren en ervan genieten in de Ruïnekerk, aanstaande zaterdag!
José Nunes heeft in de loop der jaren van zich laten horen als een zeer bekwaam violaspeler, hij is immers cum laude afgestudeerd!!

Het vierde concert: Portugal gezien door zijn muziek, wordt uitgevoerd door Joana Gama, één van de meest gevierde pianisten in Portugal. Zij gebruikt ook het motto: “Portugal is meer dan Fado” en zij is vastbesloten om dat te laten zien. Q.Art Events brengt Joana Gama al sinds 2016 naar Nederland, ze wordt steeds bekender bij het Nederlands publiek.
Vorig jaar heeft ze al in Bergen gespeeld, toen op uitnodiging van een goede vriend van haar, de kunstenaar Jaap Borgers. Trouwens, Jaap Borgers is één van de organisatoren van Schok, een festival van muziek en kunst dat in juni in Schoorl plaatsvindt, dat je ook niet mag missen! En ik maak hier van de gelegenheid gebruik om Jaap Borgers te bedanken omdat hij de concerten van het Q.Festival steeds in zijn netwerk onder de aandacht brengt. Ik ben hem zo dankbaar!
Maar terug naar Joana Gama, ook vermelding verdient haar contract met het Pianola Museum waar zij dit jaar weer gaat spelen. Haar optreden in het Pianola is iets waar eenieder naar kan uitkijken!

Joana Gama heeft zeer recentelijk een cd uitgebracht met muziek van Luís de Freitas Branco en van Amílcar Vasques-Dias. Vasques-Dias is een Portugese componist/pianist die Q.Art Events ook vaak op het Nederlandse podium heeft gezet. Deze geweldenaar van de Portugese hedendaagse klassieke muziek moet u ook zeker niet missen! Hij zal dit jaar tijdens de Herfst Recitals optreden, maar daarover later meer. Voor nu het Q.Festival met Joana Gama, een absolute must!
Volgende week kun je, exclusief in het Q.Art Magazine, het interview lezen dat ze gaf aan de schrijver en journalist Valdemar Cruz (coördinator van de Portugese landelijke krant: Expresso).

Op het programma van het vijfde concert, A Day in June op 15 juni, staan de liederencyclus voor bariton en pianotrio op muziek van Marion von Tilzer en vier gedichten van Pessoa uit de nieuwe bundel: Een spoor van mezelf.
De liedteksten/gedichten van A Day in June zijn van Gerard Harleman & Fernando Pessoa. Harlemans teksten zijn geïnspireerd op het werk van de grote Portugese dichter (1888-1935).

De vier gedichten van Fernando Pessoa werden vertaald door Harrie Lemmens (wiens vertaling op 13 juni verschijnt bij de Arbeiderspers) en worden op deze avond voorgedragen door de vertaler en de fotograaf Ana Carvalho in respectievelijk het Nederlands en het Portugees.

A Day in June is oorspronkelijk een korte filmopera, waarin film, opera (een monodrama), schilderkunst en dichtkunst samenkomen. Het project is het resultaat van een initiatief van componiste Marion von Tilzer, librettist Gerard Harleman, beeldend kunstenaar Ludo Winkelman en filmmaker Peter Sieben, die in samenwerking met verschillende musici en specialisten verschillende kunstdisciplines met elkaar hebben verbonden.

De liederencyclus wordt deze avond uitgevoerd door Mattijs van de Woerd (bariton), Janneke van Prooijen (viool), Eilidh Martin (cello) en Marion von Tilzer (piano en compositie). De visuele ondersteuning tijdens het concert wordt verzorgd door beeldend kunstenaar Ludo Winkelman, met de projectie van zijn installatie, en door Ana Carvalho, met de projectie van fotografie uit haar boek: Het Uurwerk van de Ziel.

Alle redenen, zoals je ziet, om te beweren dat Portugal veel meer dan Fado is!


Portugal is more than Fado

Poster Q.Festival 2019 (2de editie)

Designer: André Cruz

Last year I announced the first edition of the Q.Festival in the media under the motto: “Portugal is more than Fado”. A sentence that plants already a hint of a sad reality. The only full booked concert of the whole festival was the concert of, yes, you guess it: the Fado. Not that the Fado didn’t deserve it, it certainly did(!), but it was very sad to see the other musicians and composers, of such a caliber, playing for a much smaller public.
The 2nd edition of the Q.Festival could change this course… Let’s make it happen!

The third concert of the Festival, Dance & Songs of our Roots, which takes place next Saturday, May 11th, is performed by two Portuguese young musicians, the Duo Invictus. Young talented musicians with excellent curricula vitae and many prizes! They play also in different orchestras. Francisca Portugal has done the Masterclass in 2014: New Virtuosi 5th Anniversary Gala Concert in Amaryllis Fleming Concert Hall, Royal College of Music, London. Here you get the taste of her sound: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CWhj79LFjms. Unfortunately there are no recordings of her solo at Mozarteum, in Salzburg, but you can witness and enjoy her art at the Ruinekerk, next Saturday!
José Nunes is a very skillful viola player and has been gaining attention of the public along the years. He finished his bachelor degree with cum laude!!

The fourth concert, Portugal seen through its music, will be performed by Joana Gama, one of the most celebrated pianists in Portugal. She also uses the motto: “Portugal is more than Fado” and she is determined to prove it. Q.Art Events has been bringing her to The Netherlands since 2016 and her popularity among the Dutch public has been increasing.
Last year she has played in Bergen already, back then on invitation of a very good friend of hers, the artist Jaap Borgers. Allow me to open here a parethesis: Jaap Borgers is one of the organisers of the Festival Schok (music and arts) that takes place in june in Schrool and which you souldn’t miss either!
I take here the opportunity to thank Jaap Borgers for he has been promoting the Q.Festival among his network. My gratitude!
Back to Joana Gama, what is also more than worth to mention, is her contract with Pianola Museum in Amsterdam where she will be playing for the second time. Something to absolutely look forward to!

Joana Gama has just released a CD with music from Luís de Freitas Branco and Amílcar Vasques-Dias. Vasques-Dias is a Portuguese composer/pianist who Q.Art Events has also often brought to the Dutch stage. A truly ‘crackerjack’ of the Portuguese contemporary classical music(!) not to be missed in November at the Autumn Recitals that I will announce here soon. Stay tuned!
But for now, the Q.Festival with Joana Gama! Next week you can read an exclusive interview for the Q.Art Magazine that she gave to the writer and journalist Valdemar Cruz (coordinator of the Portuguese national newspaper: Expresso).
You understand by now why I can’t wait to have Joana Gama in the Ruïnekerk, the beautiful Ruïnekerk with its marvelous acoustic!

On the program of the fifth concert, on June 15th, we have A Day in June, the song cycle for baritone and pianotrio, set to music by Marion von Tilzer, and four poems by Pessoa from the new bundle: A trace of myself. The lyrics/poems of A Day in June are by Gerard Harleman & Fernando Pessoa. Harlemans lyrics are inspired by the work of the great Portuguese poet (1888-1935).

The four poems of Fernando Pessoa were translated by Harrie Lemmens (whose translations were edited by Arbeiderspers; the boek will be released on June 13th. Something to look forward to as well!) and will be recited on this evening by the translator himself and by the photographer Ana Carvalho in Dutch and Portuguese respectively.

A Day in June is, originally, a film featuring opera, in which film, opera (monodrama), art and poetry merge together. The project is the result of an initiative of the composer/pianist Marion von Tilzer, the librettist Gerard Harleman, the artist Ludo Winkelman and the filmmaker Peter Sieben, who, in collaboration with various musicians and specialists of different disciplines, interwoven all these different forms of art.
The song cycle will be conducted by Mattijs van Woerden (baritone), Janneke van Prooijen (violin), Eilidh Martin (cello) and Marion von Tilzer (piano and composition). The visual support during the concert includes the projection of an installation by Ludo Winkelman and photography by Ana Carvalho from her book: Het uurwek van de Ziel.

All reasons, as you see, to claim that Portugal is much more than Fado!


Portugal é mais do que Fado

Poster Q.Festival 2019 (2de editie)

Designer: André Cruz

O ano passado anunciei a primeira edição do Q.Festival na mídia sob o lema: “Portugal é mais do que Fado”. Mas a frase deixa já perscrutar uma triste realidade. O concerto que encheu a sala foi, como pode adivinhar, o concerto de Fado. Não que o Fado não o merecesse, pois mereceu-o e bem(!), mas foi triste ver os restantes músicos e compositores daquele calibre tocar para um público mais reduzido.
A 2ª edição deste festival poderá mudar o curso… Ponhamos mãos à obra!

O terceiro concerto do Q.Festival, Dança & canções das nossas raízes, que se realiza no próximo sábado, 11 de maio, é interpretado por dois jovens músicos portugueses, o Duo Invictus. Jovens muito talentosos, com excelentes currícula vitae e diversos prêmios! Eles tocam também em diferentes orquestras.
A Francisca Portugal fez o Masterclass em 2014: Novos Virtuosi, 5º concerto de Gala de aniversário na Amaryllis Fleming Concert Hall, Royal College of Music, em Londres. Poderá tomar aqui o gosto pelo seu som: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CWhj79LFjms. Infelizmente não há gravações do seu solo na Mozarteum, em Salzburg, mas pode vir testemunhar e desfrutar da sua arte na Ruïnekerk, no próximo sábado!
José Nunes é muito destro na viola d’arco e tem dado provas de virtuosidade ao longo dos anos. De mencionar que acabou o seu curso com distinção cum laude!!

O quarto concerto, Portugal visto através da sua música, será realizado por Joana Gama, uma das pianistas mais celebradas em Portugal. Ela também usa o lema: “Portugal é mais do que Fado” e está determinada em prová-lo! A Q.Art Events tem vindo a trazê-la à Holanda desde 2016 e a sua popularidade de entre o público holandês tem vindo a crescer.
Joana Gamna tocou já em Bergen, o ano passado, naquela altura a convite de um grande amigo dela, o artista Jaap Borgers. Permita-me abrir aqui um parêntesis: Jaap Borgers é um dos organizadores do festival Schok, um Festival de música e artes que se realiza em junho em Schrool e que não deveria perder! Aproveito a oportunidade aqui para lhe agradecer a promoção que tem feito ao meu Festival, na sua rede social e entre amigos. A minha gratidão!
Mas voltando a Joana Gama, há algo que merece muito ser mencionado e que é o contracto que ela fez com a Pianola Museum, em Amsterdam, e onde vem agora tocar pela segunda vez. Ora eis algo aqui a não perder também!

Joana Gama acaba de lançar um CD com música de Luís de Freitas Branco e de Amílcar Vasques-Dias. Vasques-Dias é um compositor e pianista português que a Q.Art Events também tem trazido frequentemente aos palcos holandeses. Este ‘monstro’ da música clássica contemporânea portuguesa é um verdadeiro must! O seu próximo concerto aqui na Holanda é também em Bergen, em Novembro deste ano, inserido nos Recitais de Outono/ Herfst Recitals mas mais sobre isso muito brevemente.
Por ora, o Q.Festival com Joana Gama! Para a semana poderá ler aqui na Q.Art Magazine, em exclusivo, a entrevista que ela deu ao escritor e jornalista Valdemar Cruz (coordenador do Expresso).
Estou ansiosa por ver a Joana Gama na Ruïnekerk, a linda Ruïnekerk com a sua maravilhosa acústica!

No programa do quinto e último concerto desta edição,a realizar no dia 15 de junho, temos A Day in June, um ciclo de canções para barítono e piano trio, musicado pela compositora e pianista Marion von Tilzer e quatro poemas de Pessoa, do novo livro: Um traço de mim mesmo.
As letras/poemas de A Day in June são de Gerard Harleman & Fernando Pessoa. Os poemas de Harleman são inspirados na obra do grande poeta Português (1888-1935).

Os quatro poemas de Fernando Pessoa foram traduzidos por Harrie Lemmens (Tradução/livro que será publicado a 13 de junho, pela Arbeiderspers. Outro acontecimento a não perder!), e vão ser lidos nesta noite pelo tradutor e pela fotógrafa Ana Carvalho, em holandês e português, respectivamente.

A Day in June é, originalmente, uma curta-metragem, em que filme, ópera (um monodrama), pintura e poesia se reúnem. O projeto é o resultado de uma iniciativa da compositora Marion von Tilzer, do libretista Gerard Harleman, do artista Ludo Winkelman e do cineasta Peter Sieben, que, em colaboração com diferentes músicos e especialistas de diferentes disciplinas, conciliaram todas estas diferentes formas de arte.

Este ciclo de canções nesta noite será interpretado por Mattijs van de Woerden (barítono), Janneke van Prooijen (violino), Eilidh Martin (violoncelo) e Marion von Tilzer (piano e composição). Durante o concert serão projectadas: uma instalação do artista plástico Ludo Winkelman e fotografia de Ana Carvalho do seu livro: O Relógio da Alma.

Todas as razões, como podem ver, para alegar que Portugal não é só Fado!

Met vriendelijke groet | Kind regards | Com os melhores cumprimentos
Teresa Pinto


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